Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The ingredients for the delicious salad I was about to make! All these came from my neighbors/my garden moments before eating
The landscape around my house

My neighbor preparing sausages after our other neighobr killed a cow and kindly gave the intestines to them as a later be stuffed with pork

My nieghbor (owner of my house) feeding the chickens and ducks

Right next to my house!

My lovely room

Back of house...the fence of my vege garden

view from a distance. That field is usually full of cows and oxen but of course they´re all off behind that tree on the right

My hammock!


Paulita said...

Your campo house looks pretty sweet. See you this week!

Unknown said...

Yo yo...I hope all is well brotha. Call me when you get a chance. Just rockin to some "Open Up" right now Peace!